When we received the message below from our Adult Community Class member Sally Cusworth, we were profundly moved. It is always incredible to hear about the impact our work has on people's lives, and to learn of the journey Sally has come on, and the difference our sessions have made to her recovery, we were inspired. So much so, we want this to be the first of a series of case studies which look at how RJC Dance has changed the lives of the people we support. Stay tuned for more to come!
Just a thank you for everything RJC has provided for me since I started last year.
Being in recovery from addiction means I attend 5 ways Recovery Academy so I can focus on rebuilding my life after rehab in 2020. Our focus is to work on our 5 ways to health and wellbeing. This includes being active, giving back to others, being creative, connecting with others and being present and mindful. By following these 5 ways, we reduce the risk of relapsing and therefore is life changing and life preserving.
Physically it has helped me gain muscle that I had previously lost. In active addiction I couldn't walk very far, had limited balance and problems with gait. I know have gained back coordination and strength which has given me the physical endurance to improve my level of fitness. Having had stage 4 fibrosis of the liver was challenging but through support I no longer face this condition.
Intellectually I have benefitted through learning new routines. My cerebral cortex was impaired through thiamine deficiency due to alcohol consumption. My memory is improving but this is difficult. When I'm at RJC I can focus more because of the vibe and the music. I'm given the opportunity to practise the routines by watching the videos we have in class. This helps me overcome my barrier to dance, which is my dyslexia. I can convert, through practise, my movements to muscle memory. This practise allows me the confidence to continue.
Emotionally I have benefitted from having the time and energy to use the dancing time to repair negative thinking through past trauma. It brings me joy and happiness through the natural changes in my neurochemistry. I understand the importance of dopamine (the reward system when I participate in an RJC class) and endorphins are released.
Socially I have benefitted from changing from drinking in isolation to connecting with others. I have faced a number of negative experiences over the last 30 years in LS7. As this is the community I live in, it has been important for me to feel welcomed by RJC. I feel comfortable and welcomed by RJC staff and I feel comfortable sharing my personal journey in a supportive, non judgemental environment. This is a rare quality in many organisations and I feel it is an holistic way of meeting the needs of individuals in the community. I feel that the diversity within the class is testament to inclusive values RJC embodies.
Thank you!
Sally x