RJC Dance is totally committed to developing its dance through workshops, lecture demonstrations and performances. RJC Dance succeeds in building confidence, self-esteem and new skills in participants of the creative dance workshops.
RJC Dance offers a variety of exciting and creative workshops that will introduce the organisation’s unique style of working with Reggae, Jazz, Contemporary and Carnival Dance.
Details of how we deliver workshops are below, we are open to create bespoke offer to fit your need. To discuss hosting an RJC Dance workshop, get in touch.
EG : Carnival Dance Workshop - movement based on carnival culture and history
The content of a 1 hour workshop includes delivery of a Caribbean Carnival Dance Style workshop (max 20 participants per session) and suitable for ages 5yrs- adult.
The workshop space must be clear, clean and offer no thoroughfare, with a floor that is sprung or wooden. We can host workshops in our studio if required, at an additional charge.
Creative workshops/lecture demonstrations and master classes undertaken in schools, colleges, youth groups and theatre venues etc. must be supervised by a member of staff / youth leader alongside a member(s) of RJC Dance.
All participants are to make RJC Dance tutors aware of any Health issues or concerns.
Participants must wear appropriate clothing – tracksuits, trainers, t-shirts, shorts etc. Participants must not wear; hats, caps, or jewellery or eat during a session.
If requested the workshops can culminate in a Sharing/ Performance of the work undertaken by the participants.
The times of the workshop will be tailored to fit in with your needs. Water breaks will be given accordingly throughout the workshop.
What we seek to develop in participants:
All workshops will be designed to meet the needs of the participants taking into consideration age and dance experience.
Learners take part in the award at Arts Award centres, which may be arts organisations, schools, museums, youth clubs, community centres or any other setting that can support learners to take part in the arts. RJC Dance has trained advisers at the appropriate level. Parts of the award can be undertaken away from the centre. Activities may be directly supported and delivered by the trained adviser but may also be assessed independently by the learner with support from others.
Our Advisers have successfully completed a training course relevant to the level they wish to run and be engaged by a centre. They can then support learners to work towards their award and act as mentors and/or facilitators. Advisers enable learners to access the required activities and support them to organise their evidence of participation in their arts logs. Arts Award advisers are also the primary assessors of the learners’ work and are responsible for assessing it using the framework and assessment criteria in the Arts Award manual (known as the Toolkit).
Arts Award Discover is an introductory award open to children and young people aged up to 25.
To achieve an Arts Award Discover, children and young people collect evidence in an individual arts log of their experiences of:
This award has a Qualification & Credit Framework value of 4.
To achieve an Arts Award Explore, children and young people collect evidence in an individual arts log of their experiences of: